Dr. Kelly Thibert is a family medicine physician practicing ambulatory medicine in Bradenton, Florida. She graduated from Grant Family Medicine Residency in Columbus, Ohio where she received comprehensive training enabling her to provide primary care to a full spectrum of patients and populations. She attended the University of Central Florida in Orlando, Florida where she majored in Molecular and Microbiology and minored in Women’s Studies. She attended Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine in South Florida where she earned her Doctorate in Osteopathic Medicine and Master of Public Health degrees. Before applying to residency, Kelly served as the National President for the American Medical Student Association (AMSA), focusing on physician and trainee wellness, reproductive healthcare including abortion, LGTBQ healthcare and fighting for quality, affordable healthcare for all. She believes that being involved in health policy and advocating for change are vital to ensuring fully comprehensive care for her patients and the communities in which they live. Kelly is passionate about comprehensive reproductive health – including abortion, health policy, medical education and social activism. She is honored for the opportunity to serve as Chair to the AMSA Foundation Board of Directors and looks forward to working with and for the members of AMSA.